raw examination notes:
A logic trail concerning Barak Obama and his affiliations with The Universal Church of Christ,their goals and who they are affiliated with and their goals.
re:obama being muslim
(note:the Basuki school, which Obama attended from 1969 to 1971-his personal life is like the lives folks say help breed 'radical' ideologies=no dad,,moving around a lot,)
(note:ucc=united church of christ
~Another statistics based on the Hartford Institute report found that for opinion of the highest source of authority, 53.2% said "the Bible," 16.1% said "Holy Spirit" 9.2% said "Reason", 6.3% said "Experience" and 6.1% said "Creeds."~
~These structures carry out the work of the General Synod and support the local churches, associations, and conferences.,,,Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) is responsible for ministries related to economic justice, human rights, justice for women and transformation, public life and social policy, and racial justice. In addition to its offices in Cleveland, JWM also maintains an
office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The current Executive Minister for Justice and Witness Ministries is Rev. M. Linda Jaramillo. JWM also maintains an office called "Minister for Children, Families and Human Sexuality Advocacy" that promotes the Our Whole Lives sex education curriculum. ~
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_and_Witness_Ministries
Covenanted ministries
These structures carry out the work of the General Synod and support the local churches, associations, and conferences. The head executives of these ministries comprise the five member Collegium of Officers, which are the non-hierarchical official officers of the denomination. (The Office of General Ministries is represented by both the General Minister, who serves as President of the denomination, and the Associate General minister). According the UCC office of communication press release at the time of restructure, "In the new executive arrangement, the five will work together in a Collegium of Officers, meeting as peers. This setting is designed to provide an opportunity for mutual responsibility and reporting, as well as ongoing assessment of UCC programs." The main offices of the Covenanted ministries are at the "Church House", the United Church of Christ national headquarters at 700 Prospect Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio.
The Office of General Ministries (OGM) is responsible for administration, common services (technology, physical plant, etc), covenantal relations (ecumenical relations, formal relations to other settings of the church), financial development, and "proclamation, identity and communication". The current General Minister and President is the Rev. John Thomas and the current Associate General Minister is Ms. Edith Guffey.
Local Church Ministries (LCM) is responsible for evangelism, stewardship and church finance, worship and education, Pilgrim Press and United Church Resources (the publishing house of the United Church of Christ), and parish life and leadership (authorization, clergy development, seminary relations, parish leadership, etc.). The current Executive Minister of Local Church Ministries is the Rev. José Malayang.
Wider Church Ministries (WCM) is responsible for partner relations* (relations with churches around the world, missionary work, etc.), local church relations* (as relates to world ministries and missions), global sharing of resources, health and wholeness ministry, and global education and advocacy*. The starred '*' ministries are carried out through the Common Global Ministries Board, a joint instrumentality of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The current Executive Minister for Wider Church Ministries is the Rev. Cally Rogers-Witte.
Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) is responsible for ministries related to economic justice, human rights, justice for women and transformation, public life and social policy, and racial justice. In addition to its offices in Cleveland, JWM also maintains an office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The current Executive Minister for Justice and Witness Ministries is Rev. M. Linda Jaramillo. JWM also maintains an office called "Minister for Children, Families and Human Sexuality Advocacy" that promotes the Our Whole Lives sex education curriculum.
~Bernice Powell Jackson was the Executive Minister of JWM from the creation of the post in 1999 (during the UCC National office reorganiation) until 2005. Prior to leaving the UCC, Bernice Powell Jackson was elected in 2004 as the President of the North American Region of the World Council of Churches [1] [2].~
Political Stands and external engagement
In addition to is internal activities JWM has allied with organizations outside the UCC and endorsed legislation and political positions. Such positions include the following:
Supporting Universal Access to Health Insurance [3]
Ending the genocide in Sudan [4]
Maintaining membership in the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice [5]
lamenting the Supreme Court's decision to limit partial-birth abortions [6] [7]
Endorsing a statement against abstinence-only sexual education [8] and involving the UCC in the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education [9]
Supporting the cause of Washington DC residents to get legislative representation [10]
Speaking out in favor of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples against state [11] [12] and federal [13] legislation that would limit marriage to one man and one woman.
Speaking out against the Federal Marriage Amendment that would limit same-sex marriage saying that the constitutional amendment "reflects a fundamental disregard for individual civil rights" [14] [15]
Participated as the only quasi-church organization in the National School Boards Association Q&A guide to entitled "Dealing with Legal Matters Surrounding Students' Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity" [16] whose October release was officially timed to coincide with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month [17]
Supporting the labor movement including endorsing the National Farm Worker Ministry [18], and encouraging boycotts (Mt. Olive Pickle Company alongside Farm Labor Organizing Committee [19], Taco Bell [20] [21] alongside Coalition of Immokalee Workers) on behalf of farm workers, and enrolling in a living wage campaign [22]
Protesting the Iraq war [23] and support and promotion of the September 24, 2005 United for Peace and Justice rally in Washington DC [24] alongside the ANSWER coalition. [25]
Endorsing a rejection of the No Child Left Behind act. [26]
Sponsoring a study to correlate locations of racial minorities and the placement of toxic waste dumps [27]
Joining the Coalition on Human Needs in endorsing a statement against the President's proposed 2007 Budget. [28] Publishing a 20-page study guide for understanding the shortcomings of President Bush's proposed Federal budget [29] and signed on to a proposed priorities for the 110th Congress[30]
Endorsing a "Walmart week of action" to protest Walmart. [31]
Opposing the death penalty and coordinating several letter-writing campaigns to the Tennessee governor’s office supporting clemency for Philip Workman. [32]
Sponsoring an art show for Puerto Rican independence advocates convicted of criminal/terrorist activity [33]
(F.L.O.C.,,check out their logo,,,'hasta la victoria!')
~ANSWER characterizes itself as anti-imperialist, and its steering committee consists of socialists, Marxists, civil rights advocates, and left-wing progressive organizations from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian, and Latin American communities.Many of ANSWER's leaders were members of Workers World Party (WWP) at the time of ANSWER's founding, and are current members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), a Marxist-Leninist organization that formed in 2004.~
~ANSWER has helped to organize many of the largest anti-war demonstrations in the United States since the September 11, 2001, attacks, and has also organized activities around a variety of issues, ranging from Palestine, to immigrant rights, to Social Security, and the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles. Though its national headquarters are in Washington, D.C., where it organizes its national antiwar demonstrations, the coalition's influence is seen as being strongest in San Francisco, and increasingly, in Los Angeles.~
~ANSWER participated in the March for Women's Lives on April 25,
The March for Women's Lives was a demonstration for abortion rights and women's rights, held April 25, 2004
~ANSWER was involved with demonstrations on May Day, 2006, in support of rights for illegal immigrants~
~In late June 2006, ANSWER organized and participated in local rallies against the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Shortly after Israel invaded Lebanon two weeks later, ANSWER — along with the National Council of Arab Americans and the Muslim American Society — initiated a call for protests on August 12, 2006, against the "U.S.-Israeli War on the People of Lebanon and Palestine~
~Many of ANSWER's leaders were members of Workers World Party (WWP) at the time of ANSWER's founding, and are current members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), a Marxist-Leninist organization that formed in 2004. When the WWP did function in ANSWER, the coalition was accused of being a front group for the Party, which never took an official role on its steering committee.~
~As of December 2006, ANSWER's Steering Committee consists of:
Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines
Free Palestine Alliance — U.S.
Haiti Support Network
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
Korea Truth Commission
Muslim Student Association — National
Mexico Solidarity Network
Nicaragua Network
Partnership for Civil Justice — LDEF
Party for Socialism and Liberation
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
~Besides giving their own version of the events surrounding September 24, ANSWER's statement indicates some less trivial differences between the groups: they criticize UFPJ for its willingness to support the ideas of moderate politicians, such as John Murtha, who are disaffected with the war, while ANSWER "considers it harmful to try to tailor the message of the progressive movement to please the long-awaited but fictional support from the politicians." ANSWER asks, "Why is it that UFPJ's leadership can build a gushing "united front" with imperialist politicians but not the ANSWER Coalition, which has organized hundreds of thousands of people to promote genuine peace and self-determination?"
At considerable length, ANSWER argued that the current split has historical roots, dating back to "the first Iraq war of 1990–1991, [when] some of the same leadership forces now in UFPJ chose to create a second antiwar coalition and insisted on marching under the banner "Economic Sanctions Not War" while some of those who are today in the leadership of ANSWER argued that economic sanctions were war — and a weapon of mass destruction at that. We contended that economic sanctions against Iraq would result in a form of genocide against the Iraqi people and that the only correct position for the U.S. antiwar movement was to demand, 'No war against Iraq.'~
~In addition to anti-war activism, ANSWER is involved in advocacy for rights for illegal immigrants, for whom it supports immediate and unconditional amnesty. ANSWER became involved in immigrant rights activism through protests against Save Our State, a California-based anti-illegal immigration protest group, and the Minutemen Project, a group which patrols the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent illegal border crossings, and which ANSWER views as practicing racist vigilantism. These protests began soon after the founding of the Minutemen group in April 2005. ~
~In August 2007, ANSWER was fined nearly $10,000 for posters for its planned September 15, 2007 anti-war demonstration. DC Department of Public Works claimed that ANSWER broke city ordinances by putting signs on utility boxes and using an adhesive that is difficult to remove. Additionally, the National Park Service, which administers many of the parks in the District of Columbia, claim that the signs are defacement of federal property and has ordered the group to remove the signs or pay for their removal. ANSWER has refused to pay the fines or remove the signs claiming that the city's actions are "politically motivated." ANSWER has sued the city in federal court to stop the city from enforcing its laws until it creates a "constitutionally allowable and non-discriminating system" for determining the rules on sign posting. An ANSWER spokeswoman stated that they gained support from the publicity and intended to continue to post more and more posters, stickers, and banners despite the efforts of the city.[17]~
~SEPTEMBER 24, 2005
Thousands will march on Saturday, September 24 in Washington DC. The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition urges the antiwar movement to come together for a united demonstration to say
Stop the War in Iraq
End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti
Support the Palestinian People’s Right of Return
Stop the Threats Against Venezuela, Cuba, Iran & North Korea
U.S. Out of the Philippines
U.S. Out of Puerto Rico
Bring all the troops home now
Stop the Racist, anti-Immigrant and anti-Labor Offensive at Home, Defend Civil Rights
Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools and Communities~
~Mychal Bell's Sept. 27 release from prison on bail and the decision by the prosecution to not appeal the court ruling overturning his adult conviction is a direct result of the struggle that has emerged throughout the country in support of freedom for the Jena 6. The struggle must continue until all charges against the Jena 6 have been dropped. ~
~The Party for Socialism and Liberation is a Marxist-Leninist party in the United States founded to promote revolutionary change.[1] Since its formation in 2004, the Party for Socialism and Liberation has made significant contributions to the Anti-War Movement in local communities across the nation~
~Ideologically, the WWP is Marxist-Leninist.~
~William Ramsey Clark (born December 18, 1927) is a lawyer and former United States Attorney General. He worked for the U.S. Department of Justice, which included service as the 66th United States Attorney General under President Lyndon B. Johnson. He has been known for his continuing advocacy on behalf of civil and human rights political causes. He is also known for his role as defense attorney in the trials of controversial figures, such as defense attorney for Saddam Hussein. He was a recipient of the Gandhi Peace Award.
Ramsey Clark is the founder of the International Action Committee (IAC) a subdirectorate of the Workers World Party (WWP), a Stalinist organization which was created in 1959 as a splinter of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party.[1]~
~As Attorney General during part of the Vietnam War, Clark oversaw the prosecution of the Boston Five for “conspiracy to aid and abet draft resistance.” Four of the five were convicted, including pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock and Yale chaplain William Sloane Coffin Jr.~
~Clark is affiliated with VoteToImpeach, an organization advocating the impeachment of George W. Bush. He has been an opponent of both Persian Gulf War conflicts. "Impeachment is the most important issue facing Constitutional government in the United States. Impeachment will determine whether the American people will hold the Bush administration accountable for its High Crimes and Misdemeanors" [3]. Clark is the founder of the International Action Center. It holds significant overlapping membership with the Workers' World Party.[citation needed] Clark and the IAC helped found the protest organization A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)~
~In 2004 Clark joined a panel of about 20 prominent Arab and non-Arab lawyers who volunteered to defend Saddam Hussein in his trial before the Iraqi Special Tribunal.[4] Clark appeared before the Iraqi Special Tribunal in late November 2005 arguing "that it failed to respect basic human rights and was illegal because it was formed as a consequence of the United States' illegal war of aggression against the people of Iraq."[citation needed] Clark said that unless the trial was seen as "absolutely fair", it would "divide rather than reconcile Iraq".[5] Christopher Hitchens claimed that Clark was admitting Hussein's guilt when Clark reportedly stated in a 2005 BBC interview: "He [Saddam] had this huge war going on, and you have to act firmly when you have an assassination attempt".[6]~
~One of those outburst occurred when Clark was ejected from the trial after passing the judge a memorandum stating that the trial was making "a mockery of justice". The Chief Judge Raouf Abdul Rahman shouted at Clark, "No, you are the mockery...get him out, out".[10]
On 18 March 2006, Clark attended the funeral of Slobodan Miloševic. He declared: "History will prove Miloševic was right. Charges are just that, charges. The trial did not have facts." He compared the trials of Slobodan Miloševic and Saddam Hussein, stating: "both trials are marred with injustice, both are flawed." He also described Slobodan Miloševic and Saddam Hussein as "[b]oth commanders" who "were courageous enough to fight more powerful countries." [11]~
~As a lawyer, he has also provided legal counsel and advice to controversial figures, including:
Nazi concentration camp commandant Karl Linnas
Nazi War criminal Jack Reimer, charged in the killings of Jews in Warsaw.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Advisory Board during late 1970s and early 1980s
Branch Davidian leader David Koresh
FMLN activist Jennifer Casolo
Antiwar activist Father Philip Berrigan and the Harrisburg Seven
Political figure Lyndon Larouche
American Indian prisoner Leonard Peltier
Crimes of America conference in Tehran in 1980
Liberian political figure Charles G. Taylor during his 1985 fight against extradition from the United States to Liberia
Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, a leader in the Rwandan genocide
PLO leaders in a lawsuit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer.
Camilo Mejia, a US soldier who deserted his post in March 2004 in protest against the US war against Iraq.
Defense attorney for three killers of Officer Bruce Prothero, Baltimore County (Maryland) Police Department.
Radovan Karadžic, accused Yugoslav war criminal.
Slobodan Miloševic, former president of Yugoslavia, accused war criminal
Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq and executed war criminal
Lori Berenson, an American convicted of support of the MRTA guerrilla in Peru
Joe "Mad Dog" Sullivan, a contract killer. ~
~Take a close look and there is something downright suspicious about former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, now the darling of certain sectors of the radical left. His journey has taken him from the heights of federal power to outer orbits of the political fringe. In the process, he has seemingly transformed from a shill for the most corrupt elements of the US elites to a shill for any foreign despot who claims to oppose the US elites. Who is Ramsey Clark really working for?~
~Ramsey Clark was born to power. In 1945, the Clark family made its leap from Dallas to DC when Ramsey's dad Tom Clark, a lobbyist for Texas oil interests, was appointed Attorney General by President Harry Truman.~
~AG Clark was repeatedly mired in corruption scandals. In 1945, he was accused of taking a bribe to fix a war profiteering case. In 1947, after he had four convicted Chicago mob bosses sprung from prison before their terms were complete, Congress appointed a committee to investigate--and was effectively roadblocked by Tom's refusal to hand over parole records.
Truman admitted to a biographer that "Tom Clark was my biggest mistake." But he insisted: "It isn't so much that he's a bad man. It's just that he's such a dumb son of a bitch."~
~Tom stepped down from the high court when young Ramsey was appointed attorney general by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967. Ramsey was likely appointed precisely because he was Tom's son. And not because LBJ was impressed with Tom, but just the opposite: Johnson knew that Ramsey's appointment would maneuver Tom into stepping down. This cleared the way for the appointment of Thurgood Marshall, a comparative moral and intellectual titan who was strategic to the White House's effort to buy peace with the civil rights movement~
~In 1968, Clark prosecuted Dr. Benjamin Spock for advocating draft resistance. "As late as 1968, while campaigning for Lyndon Johnson in Wisconsin, Clark was shouting at anti-war protesters to take their grievances to Hanoi rather than Washington," wrote John B. Judis in a 1991 expose on Clark in The New Republic.
Clark also dutifully backed the official findings that Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan each acted alone in the assassination of the Kennedy brothers.~
~In June 1980, with America mesmerized by the Iran hostage crisis, he joined a forum on "Crimes of America" in Tehran--the first of many such junkets. The '80s saw him globetrotting to schmooze with any dictator who happened to be on the White House shit-list. After the US bombing of Libya in 1986, he met with Col. Moammar Qadaffi in Tripoli. He went to Grenada to advise Bernard and Phyllis Coard, leaders of the clique accused of murdering Maurice Bishop, who were facing treason charges.~
~A brief look at the doctrinaire sect's history: WWP is the brainchild of Sam Marcy, intellectual guru at the party's helm until his death in 1998. In 1956, Marcy led the faction in the Socialist Workers Party that supported the Soviet invasion of Hungary, attacking the popular uprising and general strike there as "counter-revolutionary." In 1959, the Marcy clique broke from the Trotskyist SWP to found the more Stalinist WWP. The new group wasted little time in cheering on the brutal Chinese repression of the indigenous culture in Tibet that year (which sent the Dalai Lama and 80,000 refugees fleeing into exile).~
other from references:
~Islamic criticism
Predominantly Islamic countries, like Sudan, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, frequently criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived failure to take into account the cultural and religious context of non-Western countries. In 1981, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, articulated the position of his country regarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by saying that the UDHR was "a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition", which could not be implemented by Muslims without trespassing the Islamic law.[3]
There are 57 Muslim nations who are members of the Organization of Islamic Conference[4]. On 30 June 2000, the OIC officially resolved to support the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam[5], an alternative document that says people only have "freedom and right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah"[6]. ~
~In 1982, the foreign ministers of the OIC adopted the controversial plan to Immigrate, Populate, Dominate to serve as a guidance for the member states in the matters of Islamic presence in other non-Muslim countries~
rejected for observer status:
~The Philippine government has made attempts to join the OIC, but was opposed by its Muslim minority of the state. Muslims make up only 5% (4.5 million) of the 90 million population in this predominately Catholic country.~
re:pre 9/11/01 declaration:
~May 26, 2001: OIC Calls for Suspension of Ties with Israel CNN Archives~
re:prince fahd said:
more on obama from snopes:
~As noted above, Barack Obama describes himself as "a Christian," says that he is "rooted in the Christian tradition," and his association with the United Church of Christ began well before his political career. (Obama was first elected to the Illinois state senate in 1996, but he has been involved with the United Church of Christ since the mid-1980s.) The beginnings of Obama's relationship with the church were described in an April 2004 Chicago Sun-Times article:
Obama is unapologetic in saying he has a "personal relationship with Jesus Christ." As a sign of that relationship, he says, he walked down the aisle of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ in response to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's altar call one Sunday morning about 16 years ago. ~
YET,,his own church supports many things that are NOT part of the Christian Tradition.
ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_and_Witness_Ministries
his church leader is former head of JWM
Snopes ends the 'obama as muslim' debunking with:
~No evidence supports the claim that Barack Obama is, despite his professed Christianity, "an ideological Muslim," and those who have made this claim have offered nothing to support it — no letters or documents in which Barack Obama has ever stated such, no reports of conversations in which he ever admitted such, no revelations from friends or associates that he ever demonstrated such.~
BUT,,I just showed his churches meshing with islam on events.
I also showed his 'hypocrisy' regarding his professed faith.
As well as the obvious connection between him,his church and socialistic groups and anti-american ideology proponents.
In other words,,he is only the opposite choice from Hillary for the 'angst pandering,,we will save all you poor victims party' known as dem folk.
created on Oct.8,2007
©Roy Harbin/The DANG DinGIE American/2007®
roy harbin is roy l.harbin aka,,the dang-dingie american aka,,the evil white man